Diamond from the Sky - Chapter 09, The

Release Date:   June 28, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   North American
Genre:   Serial Drama
Director:   Irving Cummings
Story Summary:
"A Runaway Match" - Blair Stanley with the diamond from the sky returns to Vivian Marston and promises her the jewel if she keeps her promise to marry him. Later, they arrive at the minister's, and, as the marriage is being performed, Detective Tom Blake and Abraham Bloom, head of the syndicate seeking recovery of the gem, accidently learn of the visit of Blair and Vivian to the rectory, and force their way into the house. Blake quickly handcuffs Blair, who, unnoticed, had passed the diamond to Vivian. Blake charges him with the murder of Dr. Lee. As Blake turns to question Vivian, Blair raises his manacled hands and brings the heavy steel wristlets down on the head of the detective, knocking him out unconscious. A kick puts Bloom down and out. Vivian stops to remove the keys to the handcuffs from Blake's pockets, then she and Blair rush to the waiting auto and speed off. They draw up at the pawnshop of Ike Bloom and enter. Blair, after a sharp tussle, binds and gags the broker. Vivian disguises herself in a suit of male clothing, while Blair hides his identity by means of a heavy pair of glasses. The two men then hurry to the depot, where they board an outgoing express, and succeed in escaping. Luke Lovell, under promise of dividing the wealth supposedly in the custody of Hagar Stanley, rouses the gypsies against her. Entering her caravan, he seizes a tin box, supposed to contain the treasure and returns to his companion. Opening it, he finds it contains a sealed envelope, which Esther Stanley quickly seizes. The angered gypsies drive Lovell from the camp and he falls in with a band of tramps. He leads them in an attack on the camp. Far up on the mountain, Quabba, the itinerant musician, is attracted by cries from the camp below and quickly learns that Hagar and Esther are being attacked. Quabba succeeds in loosening the heavy boulder, which goes rolling down the mountain side, carrying tons of rock and earth with it. The avalanche strikes the camp, demolishing it and burying many, among them Hagar, Esther and Luke Lovell. Hagar and Esther make their way out of the debris, uninjured as Quabba rushes into the camp seeking them. Lovell, too, has been hurt, but not killed, as at first believed. He escapes. In the Far West Arthur Stanley, known as John Powell, secures employment as a sheepherder and overhears a band of robbers planning the holdup of the fast express. They spy the gypsy youth and give chase. Arthur, reaching the railroad tracks, drives his mount alongside the train and leaping from his saddle grabs hold of a window sill and pulls himself through the window of the speeding train. The conductor, believing him a robber, refuses to listen to his story of the contemplated holdup and rushes him to the vestibule. A member of the train crew opens the door and Arthur is hurled from the train, his body striking the bank, skirting the track and turning over and over as it goes whirling down the bank. - Moving Picture World, July 10, 1915
Unique Occurences
See Chapter One for cast list. The fight between the tramps and the gypsies was staged on May 10th and is reported in the Santa Barbara Morning Press to have been directed by Irving Cummings. William Desmond Taylor had arrived in Santa Barbara by April 27th and we can assume he was overseeing the work though no mention is made in the paper. The first report of Taylor as director of the series does not appear until chapter twelve. Jacque Jaccard appears to have been wrapping up editing on chapters seven and eight, soon to depart for Los Angeles.
Additional Info

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