Homestead Race, The

Release Date:   April 10, 1913
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Drama
Director:   Wallace Reid
Confirmed Cast:   Lillian Christy, George Field, Eugene Pallette, Chester Withey,
Story Summary:
Ben Halliday came to the Big N ranch for rest. He soon fell in love with charming Carrie Wilkins, daughter of the ranchowner. She showed him a letter from Jim Wells, the distant land agent, telling her that she could obtain an excellent homestead if she hurried on at once. Ralph Cunningham overheard the conversation, and later, a gust of wind swept the letter out of the open window to him. He picked it up, saw that he had sufficient money to file himself, and rushed for the barn to get a horse. Meanwhile, the letter was missed and the empty stable gave a reason. Then Ben Halliday took a hand. He found another horse and a mighty chase ensued. Over hill and dale the pair galloped, until, overtaken, Ralph got off his horse, held Ben at the point of his gun, took Ben's horse and made away. But all luck had not deserted the apparent loser. Stopping a passing automobile, he climbed in and again overtook his enemy. Both arrived at practically the came time at Wells' office. Ben, a fraction of an instant ahead, leaped in and bolted the door. After the necessary papers had been made out, Wells gave him his gun. Ben crept around to the front of the house and got the drop on Ralph, who stood, revolver in hand, confronting the door. - Moving Picture World, April 7, 1913
Unique Occurences
We're not 100% sure this was directed by Reid but this was American's second company and he had charge of it. Some sources credit it to Allan Dwan but Dwan ran the premiere company, not the second.
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