
Release Date:   April 03, 1913
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Comedy-romance
Director:   Allan Dwan
Confirmed Cast:   Jack Kerrigan, Jessalyn Van Trump, Louise Lester, James Harrison, George Periolat, Charlotte Burton, Jack Richardson,
Story Summary:
Jack Kerrigan, as a rare matrimonial catch, arrives at the rich widow's mansion in a snappy roadster with an English chauffeur driving. He is introduced to Jessalyn Van Trump as his logical choice, but with the perverseness that ever characterizes Cupid, he promptly falls in love with Miss Oldrock, daughter of a wealthy widower, who is pledged to remain single until his daughter marries. Now Miss Van Trump, as the chosen one for Jack, falls in love with her own chauffeur, a horrible situation truly, but wonderfully relieved by the discovery of Jack's English chauffeur that the family driver is the scion of English aristocracy - a condition most appealing to Louise Lester, who plays the mother of Miss Van Trump. Thus the chauffeur and Miss Van Trump are united and the fail to tell mamma till the happy event is performed. Needless to add mamma is delighted to find that her chauffeur is an English nobleman. This makes it easy for Jack in his suit for Miss Oldrock. Oldrock, who has been paying hopeless attentions to the mother of Miss Van Trump, is thus rendered happy by having his daugher marry Jack, thereby absolving him from his promise not to marry until the daughter marries. - Moving Picture World, March 31, 1913
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