Lonesome Joe

Release Date:   March 27, 1913
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Confirmed Cast:   Edward Coxen, Lillian Christy, Eugene Pallette, Viola Soberanes, Chester Withey, George Field,
Story Summary:
An old sailor sat on the beach and basked in the sun. His young acquaintance, Bob Raleigh, came and sat beside him. The old man ruminated, fell into a retrospective mood and told Bob the tragedy of his life. As a young fisherman, a party of city folks came to visit him at his cabin one day. He fell in love with Mabel but of course, her parents refused to consider such a match. They took her away and two hearts grieved in silence. And then Mabel, growing thinner each day, took to her bed. In delirium she called for him. The parents, roused to the hope of saving her, sent for him. He came, in a daze, too late, and she died in his arms calling his name. Back to the shore went the young man, going through life with the hope of meeting her again, basking in the sun dreaming of the day when he should be called to her side in the greater hereafter. - Moving Picture World, March 22, 1913
Unique Occurences
Additional Info
British release on May 14, 1913

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