Lesson, The

Release Date:   March 20, 1913
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Romance
Director:   Edward Coxen
Confirmed Cast:   Viola Soberanes, Edward Coxen, George Field, Chester Withey,
Story Summary:
Ed Williams and Bessie Thompson were country sweethearts. One day an automobile stopped and a handsome city man alighted, asking a drink of water. He was charmed at the sight of the fresh country beauty of Bessie, and took board with her father. The days passed and Bessie grew to love the handsome stranger. But one day a letter came and the stranger after reading it, with a muttered explanation slipped it into his pocket. From there it fell to the ground and Bessie picked it up. It read "My Dear Herbert: Sorry to disturb your vacation, but you should be present at the Courey reception for business reasons. Your wife, Jeanette." Bessie, with the knowledge of this man's perfidy, found it easy to turn with more love toward the country sweetheart whom she had spurned for him. - Moving Picture World, March 15, 1913
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