Calamity Anne - Detective

Release Date:   March 10, 1913
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Comedy
Director:   Allan Dwan
Confirmed Cast:   Louise Lester, Jack Kerrigan, George Periolat, George Morrison, Charlotte Burton,
Story Summary:
Calamity Anne went to her one faithful friend, her burro, and arranged breakfast for two. Three miles away Rattlesnake Pete, by way of diversion, soundly and thoroughly beat Mrs. Rattlesnake Pete and took away his ferocious pal to the cache where the stolen money was hidden. Simultaneously, the sheriff posted up a $500 reward notice for the same pair and aroused the cupidity of "Know-it-All Jones," who, revolver in hand, went in search of that five hundred. Now it fell out that Calamity, seeing the notice, also needed cash; so when a suspicious character appeared, hiked him toward the sheriff at the point of her gun. Alas! The sheriff dismissed her with the remark that a harmless old tramp was a poor excuse. So Calamity, in disgust left. Later she fell upon the real bandit and so knocked the wind out of the husky body of Rattlesnake Pete that the desperado in panic fled down the road. His Pal also fled straight into the arms of Know-It-All Jones, who promptly helped him along toward the sheriff. Then Calamity, overhauling her victim again fell upon him with such frightful effect that the poor wretch fled straight into the sheriff's arms for protection. And then, horror of horrors, the sheriff refused the reward on the ground that the bandit had given himself up - and, to make matters worse, Calamity beheld "Know-It-All Jones" collect his change and depart. Heart-sick Calamity left and shortly after with only Calamity's luck, fell straight upon the cache wherein was hidden the dough. With this Calamity, in righteous indignation, decided to vamoose, but on the way, leading her burro, came upon the house of Rattlesnake Pete and there saw his weeping and poverty-stricken wife. Calamity's tender heart gave way. She hauled the bags of dust from her bosom and presented them to the unfortunate wife, leaving, with a light heart and a heavy laden burro, for parts unknown. - Moving Picture World, March 8, 1913
Unique Occurences
American's ad for the film lists it as a "farce drama." This film was rereleased in August of 1915.
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