High and Low

Release Date:   March 01, 1913
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Allan Dwan
Confirmed Cast:   James Harrison, Jack Richardson, Jack Kerrigan, George Periolat,
Story Summary:
Jim Calvin, son of the rich mill owner, was like many of his friends, good for advice, but weak on execution. He wouldn't work until he enjoyed a good heart-to-heart with his father. Ralph Carrington, the foreman, caught Jimmy smoking - an unpardonable offense - so he "fired" Jimmy on the spot. Hanging about the lumber yard was one-armed Bergen, a former victim of the sharp Calvin saws. He saw Jimmy and they plotted mischief, for Jimmy was denied his home. One-armed Bergen and Jimmy met behind a fence one night and attempted an assault upon foreman Carrington. The latter with the aid of a policeman, subdued them, passed some change to Mr. Policeman and took them home. Then Calvin repented and sent for his son and Carrington, easy to forgive gave one-armed Bergen and Jimmy a job in the lumber yard. It marked a turning point. - Moving Picture World, February 22, 1913
Unique Occurences
This film was rereleased in December of 1915.
Additional Info

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