When the Light Fades

Release Date:   February 24, 1913
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Wallace Reid
Confirmed Cast:   Lillian Christy, Edward Coxen, Eugene Pallette,
Story Summary:
John Robertson and his brother Fred, were fishermen and inseparable. Both loved the pretty Jennie Blair, but John, more bold, spoke his love and won her. They went to live in the home of the brothers, but hard luck came upon them for the sea refused to yield a living for the three. Fred, who loved in silence, tried to cheer them with hopes of the future, but John, growing morose and sad, departed suddenly one night to seek fortune elsewhere and return. In the moments of her extremity, Fred, loving her, spoke no words of himself. Faithfully he brought her the catch of the day and did his best, as a faithful friend, to keep her in food and shelter. But as the years rolled by and no word came from John, he grew bolder, spoke his love and the pair were wed. A child came to bless them and then, one night a bearded figure that was John, came to the little cabin and looked in through a window. What he saw shot a sudden pain into his heart for Fred and Jennie, serenely happy, were amusing themselves with the baby. Clutching a bag of money, John entered the house. They did not recognize the bearded fisherman of years ago, and he gave them a bag of money, saying, “I was John’s friend, and before he died he bade me bring you this.” Then turning to the door, he went out into the night and was seen no more. - Moving Picture World, February 24, 1913, p. 814.
Unique Occurences
It is likely that this project was directed by Wallace Reid, the normal second company director. However production took place around the time when Wally was recuperating from an illness and it is possible that Ed Coxen handled the duties. This film was rereleased in 1917 as "The Bearded Fisherman."
Additional Info

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