Famous Illinois Canyons and Starved Rock

Release Date:   February 27, 1913
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   split
Brand:   American
Genre:   Documentary
Director:   W. Emerson
Story Summary:
Located about one hundred miles from the metropolis of the West is a bounty of the most gorgeous canyons to be found anywhere. Solid rock forms veritable pyramids and is covered with beautiful vegetation in endless variety. Nature alone has been the architect and has shown its master hand in a very marked manner. One canyon adjoins another and each seems to excel the other in the beauty of the the rock formation as well as the lavish display of decorative and romantic forests and vegetable life. Natural springs abound in the region and the various strata of rock seem to have been permeated with vari-colored chemicals which add to the overwhelming beauty and offer a delight to the eye and soul of man that is awe inspiring. The Illinois river, silent, but majestic, enhances the gorgeous situation. Much of the early history of the State of Illinois was enacted at this location and it was here where the illustrious Marquette planned to establish the capitol of the new world. - Moving Picture World, February 22, 1913
Unique Occurences
Split reel documentary with "A Father's Finish"
Additional Info

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