Love is Blind

Release Date:   February 22, 1913
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Social Drama
Director:   Allan Dwan
Confirmed Cast:   Jack Kerrigan, Pauline Bush, Jessalyn Van Trump, Louise Lester, James Harrison, William Tedmarsh,
Story Summary:
Lady Mayne and her daughter, with her orphan niece, wired Lady Berryman that they would be glad to entertain her almost blind son in the quiet and seclusion of their hills. Jack Berryman came and Lady Mayne tried at once to arrange a love match between the wealthy Jack and her daughter. Her plans bade fair to mature, for Jack was much in the company of the pretty daughter, much to the daughter's dismay, for be it known the daughter was much in love with Jimmy Harrison. Then suddenly Jack Berryman went stone blind and Lady Mayne's daughter eloped with Jimmy Harrison, exacting a promise from the niece that she (the niece), would impersonate her. This was done with such excellent effect that the niece found herself deeply in love with Jack and Jack continued to love the gentle presence near him more fervently. And then the day came when Jack's sight was restored, and he saw the pretty impostor whom he had learned to love. And thus he went to the shrewd mother and surprised her. - Moving Picture World, February 15, 1913
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