Cowboy Heir, The

Release Date:   February 20, 1913
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Drama
Director:   Wallace Reid
Confirmed Cast:   Edward Coxen, Eugene Pallette,
Story Summary:
Bill Ford, inheriting at his father's death, an extensive western ranch, decided to visit his property, disguised as a common cowboy. Arriving, he met Betty, daughter of the foreman-manager, and they promptly fell in love with each other. Of course, father refused to have his daughter marry a common cowpuncher, but Betty's brother Gene, less practical, thought it would be excellent idea to "slip one over on his father." They arranged an elopement, Gene and another cowpuncher dressing themselves as Betty and Bill, respectively, the latter attiring themselves as two cowpunchers. Hence father gave chase to the wrong couple. Arrived at the minister's the deed was done and the happy pair returned to secure father's blessing. This was obtained without much trouble, and when father demanded to know how Bill expected to support his wife, Bill's answer brought happiness all round. - Moving Picture World, February 15, 1913
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