Pecos Pete in Search of a Wife

Release Date:   February 13, 1913
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Western Comedy
Confirmed Cast:   Charles Hamlin, Jessie Stewart, Olive Pringle, Mabel Emerson,
Story Summary:
A cowboy from New Mexico concludes his only requirement to complete his earthly joys is the acquisition of a wife, so he goes to the market to seek his prize. How large a variety he would have to select from he little dreamt and once it became known about that he was in quest of a mate, he soon had a peck of trouble on his hands. Possibly all would have been well had Pecos not taken it upon himself to offer unqualified encouragement to many, only to take the liberty of changing his mind. From Widow Cotts he switched to Singing Bird, an Indian girl, only to transfer to Dolores, a Mexican senorita. The excitement grew in intensity from day to day and had its climax when Pecos ran into a party of school teachers on a vacation trip. The experienced eye of Widow Cotts, however, gave her the upper hand and she soon had Pecos Pete annexed to her sheep ranch, much to the disgust of Pete. - Moving Picture World, February 8, 1913
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