Diamond From the Sky - Chapter 06, The

Release Date:   June 07, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   North American
Genre:   Serial Drama
Director:   Jacques Jaccard
Story Summary:
"Shadows at Sunrise" Arthur Stanley, Esther and Hagar, with Miss Marston, Mrs. Stanley and Blair, are all in Fairfax county. A race takes place at the fair grounds and Arthur succeeds in winning. Blair recognizes him, although he is masked, and goes to the sheriff and asks to have his cousin arrested. Quabba succeeds in handcuffing Blair and the sheriff together and Arthur makes his escape. The diamond is now in the top of a tree in an old owl’s nest. - Motography, June 5, 1915, p. 953.
Unique Occurences
See Chapter One for cast list.
Additional Info

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