Andrew Jackson

Release Date:   February 03, 1913
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   American
Genre:   Period Drama
Director:   W. Emerson
Story Summary:
Jackson's arrival at Nashville, astride a horse, marks the first incident recorded in this series of cinematographic views, illustrating historical occurrences in the life of Jackson from this time until General Packenham surrendered at New Orleans. He took up lodgings at a boarding house of a Mrs. Robarts, who subsequently secured a divorce from her drunken husband and married Jackson. The details of this divorce caused an encounter with one Charles Dickinson, a man enjoying a most enviable reputation as a dead shot. Dickinson, by way of challenge, told Jackson that on the morning following a verbal encounter he would shoot him through the heart, by hitting the button on his coat. Knowing the unfailing aim of his antagonist, Jackson sewed the button a trifle higher, which precaution saved his life. In May, of 1814, he was commissioned as Major General of militia for the District of Cumberland. Jean Lafite, a noted brigand and pirate, offered his services to Jackson, provided he were promised immunity, but Jackson would not commit himself; whereas, General Packenham not only offered immunity, but a reward of one thousand pounds. Lafite consulted with his men and they decided to support the cause of the United States. Robarts hired himself out to Packenham as a spy, but lost his life in an encounter with Lafite. The various battles of the English with the United States Militia were disastrous for the former and culminated in the surrender of the English to Jackson at New Orleans - Moving Picture World, February 1, 1913
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