Rose of Mexico, The

Release Date:   January 25, 1913
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Wallace Reid
Writer(s):   Hal Reid,
Confirmed Cast:   Lillian Christy, Edward Coxen, Wallace Reid, No Personal Information Available, Chester Withey,
Story Summary:
Pedro wanted Paquita and her father seconded his suit. But Paquita as in love with Paul Hapgood, an American, and would not hear of it. She wrote to Paul and told him to take her away. He came and Paquita’s father renounced her as his daughter forever. Grabbing a gun he bade them leave his estate. Then when they had gone, in replacing his pistol, it dropped, wounding him fatally. With his last strength, he wrote the truth on a slip of paper and placed it in the bible. The Mexicans, headed by Pedro, caught the pair and accused them. Tto save her lover, Paquita made the grand sacrifice and confessed to the killing. Then Paul stepped forward, and pushing his sweetheart aside, took the blame himself. They took him out to lynch him and Paquita fell on her knees to pray. Then she found her father’s note which completely vindicated the lovers and put to shame the spiteful Pedro. -Moving Picture World, Jan 18th, 1913, P.300
Unique Occurences
- Reid was director for American’s second company during this period but this film is occasionally credited to Allan Dwan. As the cast is from the second company, we credit the direction to Wally. - Reviewed in Moving Picture World as "A Rose of Old Mexico"
Additional Info

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