Where Destiny Guides

Release Date:   January 20, 1913
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Wallace Reid
Confirmed Cast:   Edward Coxen, Lillian Christy,
Story Summary:
Virgie's father was brought home from the mine mortally wounded. Before dying he asked that, for protection's sake, Dick Conners marry his daughter. The marriage was consummated in a daze, neither having known the other. After it was all over, Virgie, overcome with grief, leaped upon her horse and galloped away into the mountains. She was picked up by Ranchman Lee and his wife, in a semi-conscious condition, her memory gone. They adopted her and she grew up with them. A Mexican foreman, working with Lee, make violent love to her. Virgie resented it and he followed her often, pleading his lost cause. Then Dick called at the ranch and learned for the first time what had become of his wife and of her sad plight. She did not recognize her husband until after a violent encounter of Dick with the Mexican during which she received a blow on the head, the shock of which brought back her reason. The timely interference of Lee saved Dick and caused the banishment of the Mexican. Dick and Virgie then take up life. - Moving Picture World, January 18, 1913
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