His Old-Fashioned Mother

Release Date:   January 18, 1913
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   split
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Drama
Director:   No Personal Information Available.
Confirmed Cast:   Randolph Grey,
Story Summary:
Mrs. Whitman and son James reside in a small town and their circumstances are very poor. The one desire of James' life is to become a physician, but the funds are not present to pay for the education. Determining to do his best to gain his ambition, he writes a letter to the Fenway Medical College, offering his services for the education. He receives a reply and goes to the college, leaving his old mother in the old home. Six years pass and the old mother hears nothing from her son, until one day a letter arrives telling her of his big success and of his coming marriage to the dearest girl. The mother decides to give her son a pleasant surprise and starts for the city. On her arrival there, she is unsuccessful in her search and becomes discouraged. She goes into the park to rest, as a young lady and her maid are strolling through the park. They see this old lady and go to see if they can assist her. The old lady tells them she is looking for her son, and shows them the letter. Mabel is surprised as from the letter she learns of the mother of her fiancee, whom she thought dead. Mabel bids her to cheer up as she will find her son for her, and takes her to her own home. In the evening James comes home, and on entering he attempts to caress Mabel. She stops him saying, "I don't think I can marry a man who is ashamed of his mother." Then she turns and calls the mother in. She rushes to James who takes her in his arms and decides to go, saying, "If I can't have you I can have my mother." Mabel stops him saying,"Your mother shall be my mother." - Moving Picture World, January 11, 1913
Unique Occurences
Split reeler with "The English Walnut Industry", this short film was produced by the Chicago unit. The film was also rereleased in the summer of 1917.
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