Another Man's Wife

Release Date:   January 06, 1913
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   1
Brand:   Flying A
Genre:   Social Drama
Director:   Allan Dwan
Confirmed Cast:   Jack Kerrigan, Pauline Bush, Jack Richardson, Jessalyn Van Trump,
Story Summary:
Orris Austin and his wife were visiting at the Hope Country Club. Austin merely left his wife sitting alone; he made no effort to introduce her and showed his neglect plainly to the guests about the club grounds. Austin, on the links, tiring of the game, met Jennie Wilton, a widow. They strolled throughout the grounds together and the wife of Austin grieved in her heart at the sight. Her mother, proud of the splendid match her ingenuity had made, watched proceedings carefully, drinking her wine on the great balcony and ever keeping an eye out for trouble. It came when Jack Stanton, bachelor, made a spectacular drive. The ball rolled three hundred yards away and stopped at the feet of the lonesome wife. Acquaintance ripened into friendship in an hour. Returning, after a stroll with the Wilton woman, Austin saw his wife talking with Stanton. Instantly there was a clash. Austin turned upon his wife and the dislike of years focused in a bitter speech. He went away after that with the Wilton girl and his lonesome wife, sitting alone, watched through a glass while Austin kissed her in a boat gliding through the tress toward the open lake. A few minutes later Austin made up his mind. Pulling in toward shore, he wrote a note and sent a boy to deliver it to his wife. Stanton, seeing it all, took the note from the servant, and himself carried it to the mother of Mrs. Austin. She read it, smiled, gazed out to sea and turned happily toward Jack Stanton. - Moving Picture World, January 11, 1913, p. 88.
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