Diamond from the Sky - Chapter 04, The

Release Date:   May 24, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   North American
Genre:   Serial Drama
Director:   Jacques Jaccard
Story Summary:
"The Prodigal's Progress" Arthur Stanley is told of his true parentage by his mother, Hagar, the gypsy woman. He sets out for Richmond to make a name for himself. The diamond is pawned, in order that he may get some money, and is taken out by Vivian Marston, from whom it is stolen. Arthur meets Blair Stanley in Richmond, and the cousins are reunited. For further reviews see page 832, of this issue. - Motography, May 22, 1915, p. 856.
Unique Occurences
See Chapter One for cast list.
Additional Info

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