Their Mutual Child

Release Date:   December 01, 1920
Distributor:   Pathé
Reels:   6
Brand:   Pathe-American
Genre:   Comedy-drama
Director:   George Cox
Writer(s):   Daniel Whitcomb,
Confirmed Cast:   Margarita Fischer, Harvey Clark, Joseph Bennett, Margaret Campbell, Nigel Barrie, Andrew Robson, Beverly Travers, Patrick Moore, Thomas O'Brien, Billy Lloyd, William Marion, Stanhope Wheatcroft,
Story Summary:
Ruth Bannister, the only daughter of a millionaire, is very much influenced by her Aunt Lora's interest in eugenics and other "modern" ideas, much to the annoyance of her conservative brother Bailey. When Aunt Lora arranges for Ruth to meet an artist named Kirk Winfield whom she feels is suitable, it is love at first sight for the pair. They marry, and Ruth is disowned by her father. When Kirk is not allowed to kiss the baby for health reasons, he leaves to seek his fortune in South America. Discouraged, he returns, only to find himself out of place in Ruth's society life. Steve, one of Kirk's old pals, kidnaps the baby for Kirk, taking him to a friend's cottage by the sea. When Ruth sees how happy the baby is in his new surroundings, she comes to her senses, announcing her love for Kirk. -AFI
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