Light Woman, A

Release Date:   January 15, 1921
Distributor:   PathĂ©
Reels:   6
Brand:   Pathe-American
Genre:   Drama
Director:   George Cox
Writer(s):   George Cox, Sidney Algiers,
Confirmed Cast:   Helen Eddy, Hallam Cooley, Claire Du Brey, Charles Clary, Guy Milham, Frances Raymond, Nancy Chase,
Story Summary:
Doris Kane suspects that the heart of her fiancé Paul Evans is otherwise engaged. She soon discovers that Paul is enamoured of vamp Jeanne DuPre. Paul's father Thomas refuses to accept his son's appalling lack of judgment and determines to break the hold that Jeanne has on him. After gaining Jeanne's love, Thomas offers her ten thousand dollars to free his son. He then arranges for Paul to discover the mercenary nature of his seductress. Properly chagrined, Paul begs Doris' forgiveness, and the two are reunited while Jeanne is left to suffer unrequited love. -AFI
Unique Occurences
American used the Robert Browning poem as inspiration for this film but strayed far from the mark. To read the poem please visit:
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