Week End, The

Release Date:   August 01, 1920
Distributor:   Pathé
Reels:   6
Brand:   Pathe-American
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   George Cox
Writer(s):   George Cox, Cosmo Hamilton,
Confirmed Cast:   Margarita Fischer, Milton Sills, Harvey Clark, Lillian Leighton, Bertram Grassby, Mary Wise, Mayme Kelso, Beverly Travers, Harry Lonsdale,
Story Summary:
Vera Middleton's high spirits and vivacity are a source of anxiety to her conventional parents, who resolve to marry her to Spencer Jardine, a man who is greatly desirous of her money. When, during a weekend at her friend Grace Maynard's seaside bungalow, Vera becomes involved in a fling with Grace's nephew Arthur Tavener, scandalized neighbors notify her parents. When she returns home, Jardine urges her to marry him in order to save her reputation. Vera refuses, indignantly returns to the seaside and proceeds to vamp Arthur in revenge for his kissing her. When he pledges his love, Vera repulses him until her parents insist upon her marriage to Jardine, at which time Vera embraces Arthur and announces that she will marry a real man. -AFI
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