Dangerous Talent, The

Release Date:   March 01, 1920
Distributor:   Pathé
Reels:   6
Brand:   Pathe-American
Genre:   Drama
Director:   George Cox
Writer(s):   Samuel Hutchinson, Lois Zellner,
Confirmed Cast:   Margarita Fischer, Beatrice Van, Harvey Clark, George Periolat, Harry Hilliard, Neil Hardin, Mary Talbot,
Story Summary:
Stenographer Leila Mead loses her position because of her ability to forge handwriting. Down and out, Leila attempts to gain financial security by forging a letter that claims that she is the illegitimate daughter of millionaire Gilbert Ellis. For her efforts, Leila is engaged as Ellis' stenographer. Once at the Ellis home, she meets Mildred Shedd and Ellis' butler Horton who, Leila discovers, are plotting to rob Ellis' safe. On the night of the robbery, Bob Ames, a friend of Ellis, stumbles into the room and is stabbed by Horton. As he dies, he denounces Ellis as his assailant, but Leila, knowing the truth, forges a confession in Horton's handwriting. Her trick succeeds, the real perpetrators are arrested and Leila marries Ellis. -AFI
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