Tiger-Lily, The

Release Date:   July 27, 1919
Distributor:   Pathé
Reels:   5
Brand:   Pathe-American
Genre:   Drama
Director:   George Cox
Writer(s):   Joseph Poland, Joseph Poland, Joseph Poland, Joseph Poland,
Confirmed Cast:   Margarita Fischer, Emory Johnson, George Periolat, Beatrice Van, Frank Clark,
Story Summary:
The clientele at Luigi's Little Italy inn come frequently because of his personable niece Carmina, known as "The Tiger Lily," who is never hesitant in rebuking her ill-mannered admirers. Giovanni, in America to kill the man who married his brother's fiancée, falls in love with Carmina. When David Remington, the son of the inn's landlord, comes to inquire about publicized knife fights there, Giovanni, seeing Carmina's attraction to David, pays Luigi for her hand in marriage. Running away, Carmina is picked up by David and taken to his home, to the dismay of his mother, the woman who was to marry Giovanni's brother. Although Mrs. Remington warns David against marrying beneath him, when he sees Carmina among society girls, he admires her more. After Mrs. Remington convinces her to leave, Carmina learns that Giovanni plans to kill Mrs. Remington and her husband. She contacts the police and after a fight, Giovanni is subdued. The Remingtons now accept Carmina as their future daughter-in-law. -AFI
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