Yvonne from Paris

Release Date:   July 13, 1919
Distributor:   Pathé
Reels:   5
Brand:   Pathe-American
Genre:   Comedy-drama
Director:   Emmett Flynn
Writer(s):   Frank Clark, Joseph Poland,
Confirmed Cast:   Mary Minter, Alan Forrest, Vera Lewis, Frank Clark, J. Sherry, Bertram Grassby, Rosemary Theby, E. Warren, J. Sherry, Rosita Marstini,
Story Summary:
Successful Parisian dancer Yvonne Halbert grows tired of the overwatchfulness of her aunt and runs away to America. Disguised and hiding out in the steerage of a boat, Yvonne meets violinist Luigi. She dances to Luigi's accompaniment in a Greenwich Village cabaret, where she is discovered by David Marston, the producer who had negotiated to bring the famous Yvonne to America. Marston signs the supposed unknown performer and intends to bill her under the name of Yvonne, whom he believes has broken her contract with him. Apache dancer Cecile claims to be the real Yvonne, but matters are straightened out with the arrival of Aunt Marie. Yvonne marries Lawrence Bartlett, the author of the play that features her in America. -AFI
Unique Occurences
Minter's final project for American.
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