Trixie from Broadway

Release Date:   June 01, 1919
Distributor:   Pathé
Reels:   5
Brand:   Pathe-American
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Roy Neill
Writer(s):   Frank Clark, Agnes Johnston,
Confirmed Cast:   Margarita Fischer, Emory Johnson, George Periolat, Frank Clark, Olga Grey, J. MacDonald,
Story Summary:
Trixie Darling, a leading chorus girl in the musical comedy number "Chicken, Chicken, You're Some Pickin'," refuses Broadway Benham's seductive wine parties and luxuries. Instead, she marries John Collins, an awkward Westerner, who, she is surprised to learn, is a multi-millionaire with a huge orange grove in California. John, overhearing jealous dancers say Trixie married for money, decides to test her. He takes her in a rickety Ford to their "home," a shack, where he throws things, raves, and makes her fix his breakfast at five. When Benham brings the troupe to town, he easily convinces the disillusioned Trixie to appear, but John carries her off the stage. Gertie Brown, John's jealous former sweetheart, starts the Committee on Public Morals to get rid of Trixie. When Trixie interrupts their meeting and has a hair-pulling fight with Gertie, a dislodged kerosene lamp starts a fire. After nearly losing her life saving Gertie, Trixie awakens from unconsciousness to find herself in John's mansion, now accepted by all. -AFI
Unique Occurences
This project (and release date) is listed in company records as "Truth," likely a working title.
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