Some Liar

Release Date:   May 15, 1919
Distributor:   Pathé
Reels:   5
Brand:   Pathe-American
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   Henry King
Writer(s):   Jules Furthman,
Confirmed Cast:   William Russell, Eileen Percy, Hayward Mack, James Russell, John Gough,
Story Summary:
Traveling salesman and teller of tall tales Robert Winchester McTabb arrives in Yellow Jacket, Arizona selling coffins and cradles with his motto that he "catches 'em coming and going." Celie Sterling believes McTabbs lies about his prowess and promises to buy a coffin if he will kill the man she wants to occupy it--Sheldon Lewis Kellard, who has papers which jeopardize her father's reputation. Celie refuses to comply with Kellard's desires in order to gain the papers. Meanwhile, High Spade McQueen is angered by McTabb and threatens to kill him. McTabb agrees to kill Kellard, although his cowardliness makes him stay close to Celie for protection. When McTabb buys two horses, he is accused of being a horse thief by a posse, until he proves his innocence. McTabb tells Celie he has killed Kellard, when McQueen has actuallly beaten him to it. Celie recognizes that McTabb is a liar, but she forgives him after he promises never to lie again. -AFI
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