Diamond From the Sky - Chapter 02, The

Release Date:   May 10, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   North American
Genre:   Serial Drama
Director:   Jacques Jaccard
Story Summary:
"An Eye For an Eye" Blair Stanley's eyes shone with a murderous gleam as he stood, peering through the curtained window at Dr. Lee, whose whole attention was centered on the diamond from the sky, sparkling on the table before him. Silently, the youth stole away, vowing that the precious gem would be his before another sunrise. And that night, as the massive clock in the hall struck the midnight hour. Blair crept from his room, stole softly down the stairs, closed the hall door behind him and hurried off into the darkness, careful to screen himself by keeping from the road. Quickly, the desperate youth pried open the window and stepped into the darkened room. All was quiet. Above, Dr. Lee, roused from his sleep by the overturning of a chair, hurriedly donned his slippers and started down the stairs. Blair, trapped, waited until the old man crossed the threshold of the library. A moment later his strong young fingers were clutching the doctor's throat. And the old man fell slowly back across the table. He was dead. Horrified, the slayer snatched the coveted jewel from the dead man's grasp and ran to the door. There he abruptly halted, for he heard the faint sounds of a guitar. It was his cousin, Arthur Stanley, serenading the beautiful maiden, who stood, silhouetted in the flicker of the light in the room above, unmindful of the tragedy. Blair, screening his features with a mask made from his handkerchief, and tightly clutching his revolver, stepped into the darkened hallway. Reaching the front door, he swung it back and started across the threshold. Before him stood his cousin Arthur. Without stopping to aim, Blair fired, the bullet grazing the head of the youth before him, momentarily stunning him and knocking off his hat. In a second, Arthur was on his feet and after his unknown assailant. Realizing that capture was certain, the fleeing youth, his features still masked, came to a halt close by a freshly opened grave. Arthur was alongside him almost immediately, but halted when he felt the muzzle of his assailant's revolver pressed tightly against his abdomen. Undaunted by the danger menacing him, he reached forth and pulled the handkerchief from the face of the man before him. Arthur was astounded to recognize Blair, who bid him to remain silent, if he wanted to keep the stigma from the girl he was serenading. Almost instantly Arthur's fist shot out. Blair staggered and fell, but gained his feet a few seconds later. The youths agreed to fight to finish with revolvers. The surviving one to bury the other in a nearby grave hole. Without further comment they took positions at the head of the grave, their revolvers aimed at each other's heart waiting the drawing tight of the handkerchief they held between them, the signal which meant eternity for one and, perhaps, both. At the signal they fired simultaneously. With a groan, Blair, clutching desperately at his breast where a crimson stain was showing, reeled toward the hollow opening, halted for a brief interval at the edge and then, with a curse, plunged downward. Realizing the seriousness of his act, Arthur rushed to the side of the grave, leaped into the opening and, kneeling at his cousin's side, tore open his shirt in a mad endeavor to learn if he still lived. Of a sudden, his staring eyes centered on an immense diamond, flashing a million colored hues, suspended from the youth's neck by a heavy golden chain. It was the diamond from the sky. - Moving Picture World, May 22, 1915
Unique Occurences
See Chapter One for cast list.
Additional Info

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