Put Up Your Hands

Release Date:   March 15, 1919
Distributor:   Pathé
Reels:   5
Brand:   Pathe-American
Genre:   Comedy-drama
Director:   Edward Sloman
Writer(s):   L. Jefferson, L. Jefferson,
Confirmed Cast:   Margarita Fischer, George Periolat, Emory Johnson, Hayward Mack, James Russell, William Mong, Kate Price, Marion Lee,
Story Summary:
Unconventional Olive Barton shocks her aunt when she stages a boxing match during a tea for the new minister. When Olive's father is called West to attend to some mining interests, Olive sneaks into his private car and accompanies him. Arriving in the West, they meet Leonard Hewitt, a young mining engineer, and his partner "Highball" Hazelitt. Even though Olive mistakes them for bandits, she falls in love with Leonard. Olive turns the saloon into a successful gymnasium, manages to foil a conspiracy against her father's mine, and wins the love of Leonard. -AFI
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