Diamond From the Sky - Chapter 01, The

Release Date:   May 03, 1915
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   North American
Genre:   Serial Drama
Director:   Jacques Jaccard
Writer(s):   Roy McCardell, No Personal Information Available.
Confirmed Cast:   Irving Cummings, Lottie Pickford, William Russell, Charlotte Burton, Eugenia Forde, George Periolat, Orral Humphrey, William Tedmarsh, Nell Franzen, A. Thompson, Virginia Forse, Lillian Buckinghan,
Story Summary:
"The Heritage of Hate" The prologue depicts the finding of “The Diamond From the Sky” which later becomes the heirloom of the Stanley family, while the two reels of the first chapter show the intense rivalry between Colonel Arthur Stanley and Judge Lamar Stanley, Virginia aristocrats and descendants of Lord Arthur Stanley, two hundred years later. When a girl is born to the young wife of Colonel Arthur Stanley, the latter, to retain an earldom and “The Diamond From the Sky,” buys a new born gypsy baby boy and substitutes it for his own babe. Judge Lamar Stanley visits Colonel Arthur Stanley’s home to see the child just as Hagar, the gypsy woman, bursts into the room to demand her boy, and the colonel falls unconscious across the library table. - Motography, May 1, 1915, pg. 723.
Unique Occurences
This chapter included a prologue about the origins of the diamond and Sir Arthur Stanley plus clips of the cast and the Santa Barbara studio.
Additional Info

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