All the World to Nothing

Release Date:   December 14, 1918
Distributor:   Pathé
Reels:   6
Brand:   Pathe-American
Genre:   Comedy-drama
Director:   Henry King
Writer(s):   Jules Furthman, Wyndham Martyn, No Personal Information Available.
Confirmed Cast:   William Russell, Winifred Westover, J. Foster, Hayward Mack, Harry Gibson,
Story Summary:
Richard Chester, a bachelor who has lost everything in a poker game, blunders into the apartment of Nora Ellis, who has just inherited a fortune under the stipulation that she marry immediately. Assuming the name Chester Dick, Richard marries Nora and leaves. Unaware of this marriage of convenience, Charles Renalls, Nora's suitor, later assumes that her wealth is the only impediment to their union and conspires to ruin her on the market. Upon learning of his scheme, Richard ruins Charles. Nora falls in love with Richard, not recognizing her benefactor as her husband of an evening. Hoping to spoil Richard's chances with Nora, Charles tells her that Richard is already married and that he carries his wife's picture in his pocket. To her surprise and delight, Nora discovers that the incriminating picture is her own photograph and that Richard is already her husband. - AFI
Unique Occurences
Copyright records list five reels although most reviews list six reels. Corporate records show the release date as Saturday, December 14th, part of a triple release date.
Additional Info

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