Rosemary Climbs the Heights

Release Date:   October 19, 1918
Distributor:   Pathé
Reels:   5
Brand:   Pathe-American
Genre:   Crime Drama
Director:   Lloyd Ingraham
Writer(s):   Daniel Whitcomb, Bernard McConville,
Confirmed Cast:   Mary Minter, Alan Forrest, Margaret Shelby, George Periolat, Carl Stockdale, Lewis King, Charlotte Mineau, Nanine Wright, John Farrell, Rosita Marstini,
Story Summary:
Rosemary Van Voort, who lives in the country with her elderly Dutch parents, develops a genius for carving wooden dolls. She so impresses a group of artists who are picnicing in the area, including aspiring opera singer Ricardo Fitzmaurice, that they convince her to move to New York's Bohemia to develop her talent. With the help of Ricardo and Wanda Held, Rosemary soon becomes the most successful artist in the colony. She is completely happy in her new station until Madame Thamar Fedoreska, whose jealousy of Ricardo's attentions to Rosemary has driven her insane, threatens to kill her. Still carrying Rosemary's revolver, Mme. Fedoreska returns to her room, where she is shocked to find the husband and son she deserted in Russia waiting for her. The angry husband shoots his wife and then, taking the boy, disappears, leaving Rosemary to face a murder charge. Because Ricardo is in Chicago for the debut of his opera, Rosemary is deprived of her only alibi, and things appear hopeless until the boy, whose father has died, confesses to the police. Unburdened of their woes, Rosemary and Ricardo face a bright future. -AFI
Unique Occurences
Corporate records show the release date as Saturday, October 19th.
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