Hobbs in a Hurry

Release Date:   October 12, 1918
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   5
Brand:   Pathe-American-Russell Productions
Genre:   Comedy-drama
Director:   Henry King
Writer(s):   George McCandless, Jules Furthman,
Confirmed Cast:   William Russell, Henry Barrows, Winifred Westover, Hayward Mack, Carl Stockdale, Richard Morris,
Story Summary:
Millionaire J. Warren Hobbs, Sr., sends his lively young son to New Mexico to buy back a mine he previously had thought worthless but since has discovered is rich in tungsten deposits. Lord Willoughby, the mine owner's twin brother, suggests to Hobbs's business rival, Rufus Renshaw, that he buy the mine, after which Willoughby, Renshaw and Renshaw's daughter Helen, the sweetheart of Hobbs, Jr., catch a westbound train. Angered when Helen scorns his advances, Lord Willoughby disguises himself as his brother and sells Renshaw the mine; meanwhile, Hobbs, Jr. purchases it from its real owner, Louis Willoughby. Soon after Renshaw discovers that Lord Willoughby tricked him, Hobbs, Jr. learns that the mine is worthless after all and sells it to Renshaw in return for the old man's permission to marry Helen. Having successfully tricked the whole party, Hobbs and his fiancée make a quick exit. -AFI
Unique Occurences
Corporate records show the release date as Saturday, October 12th.
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