Up Romance Road

Release Date:   June 24, 1918
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   5
Brand:   Mutual Star Productions
Genre:   Comedy-drama
Director:   Henry King
Writer(s):   Jules Furthman, Jules Furthman,
Confirmed Cast:   William Russell, Charlotte Burton, Carl Stockdale, Erma Kluge, John Burton, Joseph Belmont, Claire Du Brey,
Story Summary:
Craving excitement, Gregory Thorne and Marta Millbanke decide to forego a conventional wedding and elope, but when the men whom Gregory has hired to abduct Marta encounter a number of German spies in the darkness, Marta becomes confused and allows herself to be kidnapped by the spies. Gregory follows the Germans to their hiding place, where he, too, is made a prisoner. When he overhears the spies, led by Count Hilgar Eckstrom, threatening to blow up his father's shipping factory unless he ceases to send supplies to the Allies, Gregory frees himself and Marta, phones the police and makes a dash for the factory. At the warehouse, Gregory orders Eckstrom to disconnect the time bomb, and at the last possible moment, the spy reveals the bomb's location. Having had their fill of excitment, Gregory and Marta plan a quiet wedding. -AFI
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