Primitive Woman, The

Release Date:   April 15, 1918
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   5
Brand:   Mutual Star Productions
Genre:   Comedy-drama
Director:   Lloyd Ingraham
Writer(s):   Henry Phillips,
Confirmed Cast:   Margarita Fischer, Jack Mower, Erma Kluge, Helen Howard, Edward Peil, Millard Wilson, Mollie McConnell,
Story Summary:
Angered by Prof. Learned's criticism of her dance, the "Eskimo Fling," as well as his abhorrence of modern women in general, debutante Nan Graythorpe decides to play a trick on him. When the professor, actually named Stephen Graves, departs for the mountains to write a book on the primitive woman, Nan goes to live in the cabin of an old mountain woman, who agrees to pose as her grandmother. Wearing a tattered dress, Nan rolls down an embankment and lands at Stephen's feet, whereupon he takes her to his hut, believing that she is seriously injured. Having agreed to be the subject of his study, Nan returns to Stephen's cabin each day until he finally falls in love with her. On a visit to town, Nan informs Stephen's mother and sister that he is harboring a wild woman, but when they visit him to demand an explanation, he indignantly denies the accusation. Nan then reveals her true identity, and Stephen, declaring his earlier misogyny unfounded, takes his "primitive woman" in his arms. -AFI
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