Ann's Finish

Release Date:   March 11, 1918
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   5
Brand:   Mutual Star Productions
Genre:   Comedy-drama
Director:   Lloyd Ingraham
Writer(s):   Beatrice Van, Elizabeth Mahoney,
Confirmed Cast:   Margarita Fischer, Jack Mower, John Gough, Robert Klein, Perry Banks, Adelaide Elliot, David Howard,
Story Summary:
Ann Anderson, expelled from a number of boarding schools for her pranks, is enrolled at Madame D'Arcy's finishing school. She awakens one night to find a young man, who calls himself Robert, burglarizing her room, but when he explains that he is stealing to feed his starving mother, Ann tells Madame D'Arcy that he is her soldier husband. Expelled from yet another school, Ann is also rejected by her boyfriend, Teddy Barnes. As she contemplates suicide, a second burglar breaks in, and when Ann captures him, she is declared a heroine and reinstated by Madame D'Arcy. Ann now announces that her husband was drowned when his transport sank en route to France, but Robert appears, and she once again faces expulsion. Cohorts of the second burglar abduct Ann, but she is rescued by Robert, who reveals that he is the wealthy Robert Chappell and that his burglary was committed to obtain "atmosphere" for a novel. Ann decides to make Robert her real husband.
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