Powers That Prey

Release Date:   March 04, 1918
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   5
Brand:   Mutual Star Productions
Genre:   Comedy-drama
Director:   Henry King
Writer(s):   Will Ritchey ,
Confirmed Cast:   Mary Minter, Alan Forrest, Harvey Clark, Clarence Burton, Lucille Ward, Erma Kluge, Perry Banks, Robert Miller,
Story Summary:
Run out of town when he exposes crooked politician Jarvis McVey in the pages of his newspaper, Burton Grant asks his daughter Sylvia to turn the Daily News over to his dynamic young city editor, Frank Summers. Having inherited her father's journalistic talents, however, Sylvia fires Frank and takes charge of the paper herself, decorating the city room with bows and printing several rather silly "scoops." In the meantime, Frank learns that McVey and the president of the railroad have become involved in a dishonest scheme concerning the city franchise, and when Sylvia hears this, she publishes an extra, stating that McVey should be tarred and feathered. Sylvia's father arrives just in time to prevent the angry townspeople from carrying out her suggestion and then compels McVey to leave town. Grant orders Sylvia to return to school, but she decides to become Mrs. Frank Summers instead. -AFI
Unique Occurences
This project had a working title of "Extra! Extra!"
Additional Info

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