In Bad

Release Date:   January 21, 1918
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   5
Brand:   Mutual Star Productions
Genre:   Comedy-drama
Director:   Edward Sloman
Writer(s):   Raymond Schrock,
Confirmed Cast:   William Russell, Francelia Billington, Harvey Clark, Bull Montana, Lucille Ward, Carl Stockdale, Fred Smith,
Story Summary:

Worried that her nephew, Monty Miles, is interested only in fighting, Aunt Theodosia offers the young ruffian $50,000 to get married and settle down, but he turns her down scornfully. Boxing with his trainer, Lefty Ned, Monty is knocked over the bannister and lands at the feet of Victoria Harrison, who regards him with disgust. Victoria's father, archeologist Richard Harrison, wants Aunt Theodosia to join his party on a Yucatan treasure hunt, and although Monty begs to go along so that he might be near the radiant Victoria, he is excluded because of his boorish manners. Undaunted, Monty follows the expedition to the ruins of Uxmal, where he learns that Slick Edwards and his gang plan to lock the party in a tomb and then escape with the treasure. While Edwards locks the group up, Monty discovers the secret door that leads to the treasure, and after securing the gold, he defeats Edwards in a tremendous fight among the dimly lit ruins. Approaching the door of the tomb, Monty offers to free Victoria if she will marry him, and his Aunt Theodosia if she will renew her original offer. -AFI

Unique Occurences

The advised projection speed for this film was given as thirteen minutes for each one thousand feet or roughly twenty frames per second. This film was later released on a states rights basis under the title of "Quick Action."

Additional Info

The credited writer was Raymond L. Shrock who wrote westerns into the 1950's.

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