New York Luck

Release Date:   December 17, 1917
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   5
Brand:   Mutual Star Productions
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Edward Sloman
Writer(s):   Chester Clapp, Frank Dazey,
Confirmed Cast:   William Russell, Francelia Billington, Harvey Clark, Clarence Burton, Edward Peil, Alfred Ferguson, Carl Stockdale, Frederick Vroom,
Story Summary:
Nick Fowler, anxious to see the world, boards a train bound for New York. On board he meets Jimmie Keen, a motion picture director, and sees a mysterious beautiful girl who leaves her purse behind. Nick retrieves the purse and inside it discovers a photo of the girl inscribed with the name Gwendolyn Van Loon. After arriving in New York, Nick pays a visit to Keen, but is prevented from seeing the director by an impertinent office boy. After a series of similar disappointments in the big city, Nick continues to write glowing accounts of his life to his family back home. One day, while writing a letter to his father, a guest at an adjoining desk drops a photo of Gwendolyn. The stranger introduces himself as Lord Boniface Cheadle, and Nick becomes an unwitting tool of the man who is in reality Steve Diamond, a crook. Under Cheadle's instructions, Nick goes to the Van Loon house and presents himself as Steve Diamond, which initiates a train of events that culminates in the escape of the real Lord Cheadle while Nick grapples with the crooks until the police arrive. It is then revealed that the whole adventure has been invented by Nick to impress his Dad, but when Keen reads the story, he is so impressed that he offers Nick a job as a scriptwriter and introduces him to the leading lady, Gwendolyn Van Loon. -AFI
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