Calendar Girl, The

Release Date:   October 15, 1917
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   5
Brand:   Mutual Star Productions
Genre:   Comedy-drama
Director:   Rollin Sturgeon
Writer(s):   Julian Lamothe,
Confirmed Cast:   Juliette Day, Ashton Dearholt, Lamar Johnstone, Kathleen Kirkham, John Gough, Fritzie Ridgeway, Clarissa Selwynne, Ruth Hanford, Sherry Hall, Cora Drew,
Story Summary:
Mildred Manning, known as Middy, is an apprentice in Madame Lizette's fashionable shop. Her beauty is discovered by Madame's brother, George Martin, and she is made a model. One afternoon, she tries on a rejected bathing suit and by adding a touch here and there, makes it into a beautiful creation. Madame then sends her to the beach to carry out a clever advertising scheme. At the shore, Middy is pursued by a reporter and photographer, who have been commissioned by Madame to photograph the girl for calendar advertising. In her flight from the publicity men, Mildred takes refuge in a car owned by lawyer Philip Gordon, who gets into the vehicle and drives off with Middy. Middy, fearing exposure, asks him to drop her off at a fashionable residence. When Gordon later returns to the address to call on Middy, he is puzzled to be greeted by an aging spinster. After Middy's picture appears in the calendar despite her objections, Middy quits her job at Madame Lizette's and threatens to sue to prevent the use of her photo for advertising purposes. At this point, Gordon traces her through the calendar and takes her case, refusing to let her go again until she promises to marry him. -AFI
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