Shackles of Truth

Release Date:   June 04, 1917
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   5
Brand:   Mutual Star Productions
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Edward Sloman
Writer(s):   Jules Furthman,
Confirmed Cast:   William Russell, Francelia Billington, Alfred Vosburgh, Adda Gleason, George Ahern, Lucille Ward, Frederick Vroom,
Story Summary:
Gerard Hale and Luther Snaith, partners in the same law firm, are rivals for a seat vacant in the Senate as well as for the hand of Marion, the governor's daughter. When Tom Shores, recently released from prison, turns up at the law office with his sister Mary and her two-year-old baby, the illegitimate child of Gerard's late father, Gerard Hale, Sr., Snaith sees the opportunity to win both the Senate seat and Marion. Gerard meets with Mary and learns that the child is the offspring of his father. Overcome with his father's dereliction, Gerard gives Mary a check for fifty thousand dollars. As Mary and Tom leave, they are seized by detectives who bring them back to the office for identification. Meanwhile, Mrs. Hale and Marion have stopped in to visit and Gerard, afraid that the truth will prove fatal to his mother's ailing heart, testifies that the baby is his. Upset over the revelation, Mrs. Hale is confined to bed and Snaith threatens to expose the truth unless Gerard withdraws from the Senate race. Sensing that death is approaching, Mrs. Hale asks Gerard to do his duty and wed Mary. Mary insists upon telling her the truth, but Gerard refuses, fearing that it would prove fatal to his mother. Gerard is spared from the sacrifice, however, when his mother dies, freeing him from the shackles of truth. -AFI
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