Serpent's Tooth, The

Release Date:   May 28, 1917
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   5
Brand:   Mutual Star Productions
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Rollin Sturgeon
Writer(s):   Doris Schroeder, Forrest Halsey,
Confirmed Cast:   Gail Kane, William Conklin, Edward Peil, Jane Pascal, Frederick Vroom, Mary Wise, Charles Kellogg , Alfred Vosburgh,
Story Summary:
Realizing that it would be difficult to support a wife on his meager income, struggling physician Jack Stilling loses his love, Faith Channing, to the wealthy James Winthrop. After Faith and Winthrop marry, they begin to drift apart as Winthrop becomes consumed with his pursuit of social ambition. When her husband falls under the spell of fashionable Hortense Filliard, Faith determines to bear him a child in order to win him back. The infant dies soon after its birth, however, and Faith falls into a deep depression, forcing Stilling to prescribe morphine for her. Winthrop, spurred on by Hortense, conceives of a plan to addict Faith to the drug and then file for divorce. His plans backfire, however, when he becomes a slave to the drug and dies in a fit of delirium. Stilling intervenes in time to spare Faith the ravages of addiction, and the doctor and the woman he never ceased loving prepare for a new life. -AFI
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Listed in IMDB as "Edged Tools"
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