Frame-Up, The

Release Date:   May 07, 1917
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   5
Brand:   Mutual Star Productions
Genre:   Comedy
Director:   Edward Sloman
Writer(s):   Jules Furthman, Jules Furthman,
Confirmed Cast:   William Russell, Harvey Clark, Lucille Ward, Francelia Billington, Alfred Ferguson, William Spencer, Clarence Burton, Manuel Sampson, John Goff,
Story Summary:
Jeffrey Claiborne, the son of the wealthy Avery Claiborne, rejects his father's offer of a position in the firm in favor of the life of adventure. While driving his father to the office one day, Jeffrey overtakes a taxi driver who is annoying a young girl. After Jeffrey rescues Jane Anne, the girl, her mother, Mrs. Moir, a former underworld figure and now owner of a taxi company, offers Jeffrey a job. When some well-known crooks take refuge in her home, Mrs. Moir, fearing exposure, does not dare give them away, and Jeffrey's love for Jane leads him to defend her mother for which he is arrested. He escapes, elopes with Jane and is again arrested after the wedding ceremony. Through his acquaintance with the chief of police, Jeffrey is able to exonerate both himself and his mother-in-law. He then takes his bride to his father's house where they are welcomed by the senior Claiborne, who believes that now that his son has taken a wife, he will finally settle down. -AFI
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