
Release Date:   April 16, 1917
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   5
Brand:   Mutual Star Productions
Genre:   Drama
Director:   James Kirkwood
Writer(s):   James Kirkwood,
Confirmed Cast:   Mary Minter, George Fisher, Harvey Clark, George Periolat, Erma Kluge, Margaret Shelby, Lucille Ward, Jack Vosburgh, William Spencer,
Story Summary:
Liz, the daughter of town drunk John Simpkins, is shunned by the young people in the staid little New England village where they live. One day, Henry Penfield, the new minister, comes to town and is attracted to Liz. On the same train as Henry is Arnold Brice, a young artist who takes a fancy to Mildred Holcombe, the prettiest girl in town and the daughter of a deacon of the church. Mildred falls in love with Arnold, but her brother Arthur threatens to kill the artist if he finds them together. Ignoring Arthur's threats, Mildred goes to the artist's studio. Liz discovers that Arthur has followed her and runs to the studio to warn them. When Arthur arrives, Liz sacrifices her honor to save Mildred and confesses that she was having an affair with Arnold. The deacons then decide to send Liz away because of her disgrace, and Henry, overhearing Liz bid goodbye to Mildred, discovers the truth. That Sunday, he tenders his resignation and announces that he is going to marry Liz. -AFI
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