High Play

Release Date:   April 09, 1917
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   5
Brand:   Mutual Star Productions
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Edward Sloman
Writer(s):   Jules Furthman,
Confirmed Cast:   William Russell, Francelia Billington, Ashton Dearholt, Lucille Younge, Clarence Burton, Edward Peil, Robert Klein, Frank Thompson, Arthur Howard, Alfred Vosburgh,
Story Summary:
John Sevier, Vice President of the International Trust Company, is engaged to Elaine Morier who, with her father Gerald, runs a fashionable gambling salon. While at the club one night, John intervenes in a fight between Jim Hammond, an employee of Morier's, and Tom Leonard, a wealthy young patron. John takes Tom home where he meets Marion, the young man's sister. The next day, it is disclosed that the bank's president, Jim Collins, has invested in too many worthless securities and the bank is in danger of failing. When John pledges his own personal funds to save the bank, Elaine, angered, denounces him and returns his engagement ring. In contrast, Marion and Tom congratulate him for his gallant stand. Realizing that they have lost their wealthy prey, Elaine and her father determine to catch John again. Meeting him at a restaurant one night, Elaine contrives to have John take her home, planning to trap him in a compromising position. Becoming aware of their ploy, John escapes onto the fire escape from which he sees Jim Hammond shot by Gautier Brooks, Hammond's blackmail victim. When Brooks threatens to ruin Elaine's reputation if John turns him over to the police, John's sense of honor forces him to remain silent. Justice is served however, when the police come to arrest Brooks for a speeding ticket, and assuming that John has testified against him, he confesses all. -AFI
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