Devil's Assistant, The

Release Date:   April 02, 1917
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   5
Brand:   Pollard Picture Plays
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Harry Pollard
Writer(s):   J. Hungerford,
Confirmed Cast:   Margarita Fischer, Kathleen Kirkham, Jack Mower, Monroe Salisbury, Joseph Harris,
Story Summary:
Marta marries John Lane, angering former suitor Dr. Lorenz. One year later, after John and Marta's baby dies, Dr. Lorenz gives Marta drugs to which she becomes addicted. Marion, a friend who loves John, conspires with Lorenz to keep Marta addicted. Feeling neglected by John and dependent upon Lorenz to supply her with drugs, Marta leaves her husband for the doctor. When they stop in a mountain cabin to escape a storm, Lorenz tries to take advantage of her, but lightning strikes and both are buried in the ruins. Lorenz dies but Marta is saved by John and they are reconciled. -AFI
Unique Occurences
Although Pollard Picture Plays Company was not technically a division of the American Film Company we have included their productions. All of the films star Margarita Fischer and as she was perhaps the star most identified with the American Film Company we feel it is important to list the films done during her hiatus to San Diego.
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