Beloved Rogues

Release Date:   January 15, 1917
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   5
Brand:   Mutual Star Productions
Genre:   Social Comedy
Director:   Al Santell
Writer(s):   Aaron Hoffman, Al Santell,
Confirmed Cast:   Clarence Kolb, Max Dill, May Cloy, Clarence Burton, Harry Von Meter,
Story Summary:

Two foreigners, Louie Vanderiff and Mike Amsterdammer, own a hardware store which a hardware trust wishes to buy. When they refuse to sell, the trust ruins their business. Later, when their ward Madge is threatened with blindness, they sell at a sacrifice in order to pay for the services of an eye specialist. Before they can pay the doctor, however, the money is stolen from them and they become burglars. With the money from their spoils, they pay for Madge's operation and her sight is restored. When Madge's fiancé, Jack Kennedy, is accused of the burglary, Mike and Louie confess and are sent to prison. As Mike and Louie work out their prison term cheerfully, Madge discovers that she is the heiress to a large fortune. All ends happily as Jack and Madge hold their wedding at the prison so that the girl's beloved guardians can be present, and at the banquet, the governor presents Mike and Louie with a pardon.

Unique Occurences
Additional Info

The famous comedy team,Kolb and Dill, leave for Los Angeles this morning and after making a few scenes for "Beloved Rogues,” their contract with the American Film company ends. They have been here seven months. Max Dill will motor down and in a few days motor north by the valley to his home in San Francisco. C. W. Kolb will return to Santa Barbara for a short stay before going north. Their future plans are not announced at this time.

- Kolb and Dill Contract Ends, Santa Barbara Morning Press, 8 December 1916

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