Butterfly Girl, The

Release Date:   January 08, 1917
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   5
Brand:   Pollard Picture Plays
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Henry Otto
Confirmed Cast:   Margarita Fischer, Jack Mower, James Russell, Marie Kiernan, Della Pringle, John Steppling,
Story Summary:
Pep O'Mally and her little sister Bess are consigned in the care of their aunt, a trapeze artist at the exposition. Her aunt's manager, Marcus Renshaw, recognizes Bess's beauty and offers to make her "the butterfly girl." Becoming frightened of Renshaw's advances, Pep runs away and finds a job with the Hawaiian dancers. There she falls in love with Robert Whipple, Jr., whom she later discovers is the son of a wealthy family. Believing that Robert's family will never accept her, and brokenhearted at the thought of a separation, Pep throws herself into the crater of the facsimile of Kilavea, imitating a legend of a Hawaiian girl who ended her life in the real volcano. She is saved by Robert, who promises Pep that his family will love her as much as he does.
Unique Occurences
Although Pollard Picture Plays Company was not technically a division of the American Film Company we have included their productions. All of the films star Margarita Fischer and as she was perhaps the star most identified with the American Film Company we feel it is important to list the films done during her hiatus to San Diego.
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