Sequel to the Diamond from the Sky - Episode 1

Release Date:   November 25, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   2
Brand:   Mutual Star Production Photo-Novel
Genre:   Serial Drama
Director:   Edward Sloman
Confirmed Cast:   Charlotte Burton, William Russell, Orral Humphrey, William Tedmarsh, Rhea Mitchell, Clifford Callis, Ward McAllister, George Ahern,
Story Summary:
The famous Stanley jewel is stolen from the neck of little Arthur Stanley, Jr. as he lies unconscious after the train wreck that kills his parents. A selfish cousin, Blair Stanley, his wife, Vivian and their accomplice, DeVaux, conspire to kidnap young Arthur and deprive him of his inheritance. Quabba, the gipsy, (sic) and Louise Grafton are both old friends of Arthur's parents and they undertake to protect the child from his murderous relatives. - Moving Picture World
Unique Occurences
"Fate & Death" was the first episode and branded by Mutual as a Star Production Photo-Novel. The following year Mutual released "The Great Stanley Secret" with the same plot.
Additional Info

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