Lone Star

Release Date:   November 23, 1916
Distributor:   Mutual
Reels:   5
Brand:   Mutual-American
Genre:   Drama
Director:   Edward Sloman
Writer(s):   Kenneth Clarke,
Confirmed Cast:   William Russell, Charlotte Burton, Harry Von Meter, Alfred Ferguson, Ashton Dearholt,
Story Summary:
Disgusted by the brutal and archaic "healing" methods of the Indians, Lone Star decides to study medicine as practiced by white men. He goes East to become a doctor, and soon begins a romance with a nurse, Helen Mattes, who rejected her family's world of high society in order to tend to the sick. Before they can get married, however, Helen's slumlord father raises stern objections to having an Indian for a son-in-law. Then, while Helen wavers between her love for Lone Star and her loyalty to her father, she is seriously injured in an accident in one of the cheaply installed elevators in her father's tenement. Performing delicate surgery, Lone Star saves Helen, thereby forcing her father to reject his notion of Indian inferiority. However, Lone Star himself realizes that while the white man's medicine can be of use in the Indian world, a white woman will always be out of place there, and so he returns alone to his village. -AFI
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